Bodleian Ashmole Collection |
Collection | Order No. | Shelfmark | Manifestation | Printed Title | First Line |
Bodleian Ashmole | 1 | Ashm. 1094(57) | b08435 | The wine-cooper's delight | The delights of the bottle are turn'd out of doors" |
Bodleian Ashmole | 1 | Ashm. 1674(76) | b08437 | Londons lamentation: or, An excellent new song on the loss of London's charter | You free-men, and masters, and prentices mourn" |
Bodleian Ashmole | 1 | Ashm. G 15(111) | b08439 | A new-years guift to the Templers, on that eminent lawyer Sir Edmond Saunders, his being chosen Lord chief-justice of England | Old Tony's fled, from justice gone" |
Bodleian Ashmole | 1 | Ashm. G 15(152) | b08441 | The New-market song | The golden age is come" |
Bodleian Ashmole | 1 | Ashm. G 15(156) | b08443 | Freezland-fair, or The icey bear-garden | I'le tell ye a tale (tho' before 'twas in print)" |
Bodleian Ashmole | 1 | Ashm. G 15(160) | b08445 | The Whigs hard heart the cause of this hard frost. An excellent new ballad | Ye Whigs and Dissenters, I charge you attend" |
Bodleian Ashmole | 1 | Ashm. G 15(162) | b08447 | A new song, on the strange and wonderful groaning board | What fate inspired thee with groans" |
Bodleian Ashmole | 1 | Ashm. G 15(165) | b08449 | Strange and wonderful news from Newberry: concerning a youth that was choak'd by eating of custard | Let Totnam Court and Islington" |
Bodleian Ashmole | 1 | Ashm. G 15(167) | b08451 | The beggars delight, as it was sung at the Theatre-royal | Courtiers, courtiers, think it no harm" |
Bodleian Ashmole | 1 | Ashm. G 15(169) | b08453 | The sisters complaint for the decay of the gallants | Ye geudly sisters! have a care" |
Bodleian Ashmole | 1 | Ashm. G 15(170) | b08455 | Strephons complaint for the death of his Daphne. Or An excellent new copy of verses, sung at Winchester the 24th day of September, by a lady of honour, named E.G | What art thou fled unto thy bed" |
Bodleian Ashmole | 1 | Ashm. G 15(171) | b08457 | Jenneys lamentation for the loss of Jocky or, A new song in the play called the Royalist | Twa bony lads were Sawny & Jockey" |
Bodleian Ashmole | 1 | Ashm. G 15(172) | b08459 | A song | As I walk'd by an hospital" |
Bodleian Ashmole | 1 | Ashm. G 15(173) | b08461 | The despairing lover. A new song | How long d'ye mean to torture mee" |
Bodleian Ashmole | 1 | Ashm. G 15(175) | b08463 | The miser, written by the author of The old man's wish | What ayles the old fool?" |
Bodleian Ashmole | 1 | Ashm. G 15(187) | b08465 | A song upon the randivous on Hounsley heath | Our comet or the blazing star" |
Bodleian Ashmole | 1 | Ashm. G 15(48) | b08467 | Murther unparalel'd: or an Account of the bloudy murther of Thomas Thyn, esq; on Sunday the 12th. of February 1682 | Come and assist my trembling pen" |
Bodleian Ashmole | 1 | Ashm. G 15(64) | b08469 | Great York and Albany: or The loyal welcom to his royal highness on his return from Scotland | Now now the zealots all must droop" |
Bodleian Ashmole | 1 | Ashm. G 15(65) | b08471 | London's joy and loyalty on his royal highness the duke of York's return out of Scotland | Rouze up ye Tories" |
Bodleian Ashmole | 1 | Ashm. G 15****(150a) | b08473 | Merlin reviv'd: or, An old prophecy lately found in a manuscript in Pontefract-castle in York-shire | When MDC shall joyn with L" |
Bodleian Ashmole | 1 | Ashm. G 16(101) | b08475 | A song of the new plot | Have you not lately heard" |
Bodleian Ashmole | 2 | Ashm. G 16(101) | b08475 | A dialogue between Mrs. Celier and the L. S---y | S---y, what's become of the plot" |
Bodleian Ashmole | 1 | Ashm. G 16(103) | b08478 | No Protestant plot, or The Whigs loyalty: with the doctor's new discovery | Hells restless factious agents still plot on" |
Bodleian Ashmole | 1 | Ashm. G 16(104) | b08480 | A new way to play an old game | Have you heard of forty-one sir" |
Bodleian Ashmole | 1 | Ashm. G 16(105) | b08482 | Advice to the city or the Wiggs loyalty explain'd | Remember ye wiggs what was formerly done" |
Bodleian Ashmole | 1 | Ashm. G 16(109) | b08484 | A congratulation on the happy discovery of the hellish fanatick plot | Come now let's rejoyce" |
Bodleian Ashmole | 1 | Ashm. G 16(111) | b08486 | The swearers chorus to the first Presbyterian plot | There was a monstrous doctor" |
Bodleian Ashmole | 1 | Ashm. G 16(137) | b08486 | The swearers chorus to the first Presbyterian plot | There was a monstrous doctor" |
Bodleian Ashmole | 1 | Ashm. G 16(118) | b08488 | The downfal of the Whiggs: or Their lamentation for few of a loyal Parliament | Did'st ever see the like, dear brother" |
Bodleian Ashmole | 1 | Ashm. G 16(120) | b08490 | The western rebel; or, The true Protestant standard set up | See the vizor's pull'd off, and the zelots are arming" |
Bodleian Ashmole | 1 | Ashm. G 16(121) | b08492 | The old new true blew Protestant-plot or Five years sham- plots discovered in one true one | Now innocent blood's almost forgot" |
Bodleian Ashmole | 1 | Ashm. G 16(124) | b08494 | The Essex ballad | In Essex much renown'd for calves" |
Bodleian Ashmole | 1 | Ashm. G 16(125) | b08496 | The Devonshire ballad | Now all old cavaliers now or ne'er stand to it" |
Bodleian Ashmole | 1 | Ashm. G 16(128) | b08498 | The Rump roughly, yet righteously handled. In a new ballad | More sacks to the mill, here comes a fresh wit" |
Bodleian Ashmole | 1 | Ashm. G 16(129) | b08500 | A new-years gift for the Whigs | Great souls that are free from faction, rejoyce" |
Bodleian Ashmole | 1 | Ashm. G 16(129b) | b08502 | The ballad of the cloak: or, The cloaks knavery | Come buy my new ballet" |
Bodleian Ashmole | 1 | Ashm. G 16(132) | b08504 | The Wiltshire ballad | From Salisbury, that low-hous'd town" |
Bodleian Ashmole | 1 | Ashm. G 16(133) | b08506 | The present state of England: a pleasant new true ballad | Jack Presbyter's up, and hopes at one swoop" |
Bodleian Ashmole | 1 | Ashm. G 16(134) | b08508 | A new ballad, to the tune of, I'll tell thee, Dick, &c | Chil tell thee, Tom, the strangest story" |
Bodleian Ashmole | 1 | Ashm. G 16(135r) | b08510 | The history of Whiggism, from their rise, to their late horrid and unparallel'd conspiracy | You Calvinists of England" |
Bodleian Ashmole | 1 | Ashm. G 16(135v) | b08512 | An excellent new song, on the late victories over the Turks | Hark! the thundring canons roar" |
Bodleian Ashmole | 1 | Ashm. G 16(136r) | b08514 | The Whigs drown'd in an honest Tory-health | Wealth breeds care; love, hope & fear" |
Bodleian Ashmole | 1 | Ashm. G 16(136v) | b08516 | The Tory ballad on their royal highnesses return from Scotland | Room, room for cavaliers, bring us more wine" |
Bodleian Ashmole | 1 | Ashm. G 16(138) | b08518 | A new narrative of the old plot. A song | When traytors did at popery rail" |
Bodleian Ashmole | 1 | Ashm. G 16(139) | b08520 | The Whig-intelligencer: or Sir Samuel in the pound, for publishing scandalous and seditious letters | Hark! the fatal day is come" |
Bodleian Ashmole | 1 | Ashm. G 16(140) | b08522 | The bully Whig: or, The poor whores lamentation for the apprehending of sir Thomas Armstrong | Ah! cruel bloody Tom!" |
Bodleian Ashmole | 1 | Ashm. G 16(141) | b08524 | A new song, being the Tories imploration for protection against the Whiggs | Defend us from all popish plots" |
Bodleian Ashmole | 1 | Ashm. G 16(142) | b08526 | The London cuckolds. An excellent new song | Give over, you Whiggs" |
Bodleian Ashmole | 1 | Ashm. G 16(143) | b08528 | The loyalist setting forth the Whigg in his own colours. A new song | Come, fill it up, and give me a brimmer boy" |
Bodleian Ashmole | 1 | Ashm. G 16(144) | b08530 | The loyal feast, design'd to be kept in Haberdashers-hall, on Friday the 21st of April 1682 | Tony was small, but of noble race" |
Bodleian Ashmole | 1 | Ashm. G 16(149) | b08532 | The Whigg-feast: a Scotch ballad | Woons! what noo is the matter?" |
Bodleian Ashmole | 1 | Ashm. G 16(156) | b08534 | The loyal Scot; an excellent new song | Bread of Geud! I think the nation's mad" |
Bodleian Ashmole | 1 | Ashm. G 16(159) | b08536 | A new ballad from Whigg-land | Brave Monmouth's out of favour now" |
Bodleian Ashmole | 1 | Ashm. G 16(160) | b08538 | The Whig's exaltation; a pleasant new song of 82 | Now now the Tories all shall stoop" |
Bodleian Ashmole | 1 | Ashm. G 16(161) | b08540 | The Tories confession, or A merry song in answer to The Whigs exaltation | A pox on Whigs we'l now grow wise" |
Bodleian Ashmole | 1 | Ashm. G 16(162) | b08542 | Ignoramus: an excellent new song | Since reformation with Whig's in fashion" |
Bodleian Ashmole | 1 | Ashm. G 16(165) | b08544 | The loyal health. A court song | Since plotting's a trade, like the rest of the nation" |
Bodleian Ashmole | 1 | Ashm. G 16(167) | b08546 | The reward of loyalty, being a song of the times | Loyalty's a noble thing" |
Bodleian Ashmole | 1 | Ashm. G 16(168) | b08548 | The loyal London prentice: being his constant resolution, to hazard his life and fortune for his king | I am a true born cavaleir [sic]" |
Bodleian Ashmole | 1 | Ashm. G 16(170) | b08550 | A trick for Tyburn: or A prison rant | Trumpets sound and steeples ring" |
Bodleian Ashmole | 1 | Ashm. G 16(173) | b08552 | A new song in praise of the loyal Company of Stationers | In London was such a quarter" |
Bodleian Ashmole | 1 | Ashm. G 16(174) | b08554 | A ballad [on George Villiers, duke of Buckingham, father and son] | I sing the praise of a worthy wight" |
Bodleian Ashmole | 1 | Ashm. G 16(176) | b08556 | A new Scotch ballad: call'd Bothwel-bridge: or Hamilton's hero | When valiant Bucklugh charg'd his foes" |
Bodleian Ashmole | 1 | Ashm. G 16(183) | b08558 | The true Protestants litany | More ballads -- here: spick and span: -- new supplication" |
Bodleian Ashmole | 1 | Ashm. G 16(189) | b08560 | A new littany, design'd for this Lent, and to be sung in all the conventicles, in and about London, for the instruction of the Whiggs | From counsels of six, where treason prevails" |
Bodleian Ashmole | 1 | Ashm. G 16(195) | b08562 | A general sale of rebellious houshold-stuff | Rebellion hath broken up house" |
Bodleian Ashmole | 1 | Ashm. G 16(198) | b08564 | A Whigg ballad, or A summons to a fresh association | On month of September we summon you all" |
Bodleian Ashmole | 1 | Ashm. G 16(200) | b08566 | Loretto and Winifred. Or A new way of getting of children, viz. by prayers and presents | Ye trickling papists, lady abbess and presents" |
Bodleian Ashmole | 1 | Ashm. G 16(210) | b08568 | Advice to the city: sung to the King at Windsor, to a theorbo | Remember ye Whiggs what was formerly done" |
Bodleian Ashmole | 1 | Ashm. G 16(4) | b08570 | Towzer discover'd: or A new ballade on an old dog that writes strange-lee | How unhappy a mastiffe am I" |
Bodleian Ashmole | 1 | Ashm. G 16(40) | b08572 | The sale of Esau's birth-right or The new Buckingham ballad | A wondrous tale I will relate" |
Bodleian Ashmole | 1 | Ashm. G 16(41) | b08574 | The new Catholick ballad | Good people all to me give ear" |
Bodleian Ashmole | 1 | Ashm. G 16(43) | b08576 | The Jesuits character. Written by a member of the Popish club | The Jesuits they are a sort of men" |
Bodleian Ashmole | 1 | Ashm. G 16(46) | b08578 | A ballad upon the Popish plot. Written by a lady of quality | Since counterfeit plots has affected this age" |
Bodleian Ashmole | 1 | Ashm. G 16(49) | b08580 | The coat of arms of N.T. J.F. & R.L. An answer to Thomson's ballad call'd The loyal feast | A true blue Protestant will never stain" |
Bodleian Ashmole | 1 | Ashm. G 16(51) | b08582 | Ryot upon ryot: or A chant upon the arresting of the loyal L. mayor & sheriffs | Rowze up great monarch" |
Bodleian Ashmole | 1 | Ashm. G 16(54) | b08584 | A looking-glass for a Tory; or the Bogg-trotter's glory | The devil and we have done brave things" |
Bodleian Ashmole | 1 | Ashm. G 16(56) | b08586 | The Whig's exaltation or A pleasant new song of 82 | Now, now the Tories all shall stoop" |
Bodleian Ashmole | 1 | Ashm. G 16(57) | b08588 | The Tories confession or, A merry song in answer to The Whigs exaltation | A pox on Whigs we'l now grow wise" |
Bodleian Ashmole | 1 | Ashm. G 16(63) | b08590 | The Salamanca doctor's farewel: or, Titus's exaltation to the pillory, upon his conviction of perjury. A ballad | Come listen, ye Whigs, to my pitiful moan" |
Bodleian Ashmole | 1 | Ashm. G 16(66) | b08592 | A song of the light of three nations turn'd into darkness or Otes made free man of Whitington's colledge, for perjury | Come all our caballers & Parliament votes" |
Bodleian Ashmole | 1 | Ashm. G 16(67) | b08594 | The doleful lamentation of Thomas Dangerfield, who was lately apprehended and imprisoned in Newgate, for his misdemeaner | Mark well my words you country men" |
Bodleian Ashmole | 1 | Ashm. G 16(74) | b08596 | A dialogue between Bowman the Tory, and Prance the runagado. A new song | Bowman. Come murthering miles, where's your Sedan?" |
Bodleian Ashmole | 1 | Ashm. G 16(77) | b08598 | A new song, being the Tories tryumph, or The point well weathered | Some say, the papists had a plot" |
Bodleian Ashmole | 1 | Ashm. G 16(83) | b08600 | The compleat citt: or, The man of fashion | Would you be a man of fashion" |
Bodleian Ashmole | 1 | Ashm. G 16(84) | b08602 | The conspiracy: or, The discovery of the fanatick plot | Let Pickering now be forgotten" |
Bodleian Ashmole | 1 | Ashm. G 16(85) | b08604 | A new narrative of the old plot, being a new ballad | When traytors did at pop'ry rail" |
Bodleian Ashmole | 1 | Ashm. G 16(86) | b08606 | An excellent new ballad | Let Oliver now be forgotten" |
Bodleian Ashmole | 1 | Ashm. G 16(87) | b08608 | An excellent new hymne to the mobile, exhorting them to loyalty the clean contrary way | Let us advance the good old cause" |
Bodleian Ashmole | 1 | Ashm. G 16(89) | b08610 | The lawyers demurrer argued. By the loyal addressers (the gentlemen) of Grays-Inne, against an order made by the bench of the said society | Dear friends, and good people, with gowns and with none" |
Bodleian Ashmole | 1 | Ashm. G 16(95) | b08612 | The Newgate salutation: or A dialogue between sir W.W. and mrs. Cellier | Old stories of state grow now out of date" |
Bodleian Ashmole | 1 | Ashm. G 16(98) | b08614 | A new Presbiterian ballad to the old tune of The clean contrary way | Alas poor Whiggs, our senat's gone" |
Bodleian Ashmole | 1 | Ashm. G 5(102) | b08616 | Monmouth's return; or The mistaken Whiggs | Now the rash imputing Torys" |
Bodleian Ashmole | 1 | Ashm. G 5(44) | b08618 | Titus Tell-troth: or, The plot-founder confounded. A pleasant new song | Hail to the knight of the post" |
Bodleian Ashmole | 1 | Ashm. G 5(46) | b08620 | Oates thrash'd in the compter, and sack'd-up in Newgate | Hail to the prince of the plot" |
Bodleian Ashmole | 1 | Ashm. G 5(53) | b08622 | Oates's bug-bug-boarding-school, at Camberwell. A song | Rouse, rouse my lazy mirmidons" |
Bodleian Ashmole | 1 | Ashm. G 5(68) | b08624 | Oates well thresh't | Our Oates, last week not worth a groat" |
Bodleian Ashmole | 1 | Ashm. G 5(92) | b08626 | Monmouth and Bucleugh's welcom from the North: or The loyal Protestants joy for his happy return | When stout young Jemmy went abroad" |
Bodleian Ashmole | 1 | Ashm. H 23(24) | b08628 | My bird is a Round-head | As I to London tooke my way" |
Bodleian Ashmole | 1 | Ashm. H 23(42) | b08630 | Canterburies conscience convicted: or His dangerous projects ... detected | As by faire Londons Tower I walkt" |
Bodleian Ashmole | 1 | Ashm. H 23(44) | b08632 | The organs eccho | Memento mori" |
Bodleian Ashmole | 1 | Ashm. H 23(46) | b08634 | The papists downfall, or the Prentises revenge | Some say we shall be overthrown" |
Bodleian Ashmole | 1 | Ashm. H 23(47) | b08636 | A warning to all priests and jesuites, by the example of two masse-priests which ... were hangd | Come you seducers all" |
Bodleian Ashmole | 1 | Ashm. H 23(54) | b08638 | The prentices resolution | Rouse up your drooping spirits all" |
Bodleian Ashmole | 1 | Ashm. H 23(65) | b08640 | Englands doubtfull hopes, or, Long lookt for may come at last | If faith and truth were joyned hand in hand" |
Bodleian Ashmole | 1 | Ashm. H 23(8) | b08642 | Good admonition. Or Keep thy head on thy shoulders, and I will keepe mine | Though Wenthworth's beheaded |
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