The Bodleian Libraries have taken The Broadside Ballads Online resource offline, owing to a change in guidance within the University relating to cyber security.

The Broadside Ballads Online resource has therefore been taken offline as a precaution, in the light of the new guidance, while we develop new approaches to being able to support and deliver it.

We acknowledge how disruptive this has been to the many scholars and communities who use this resource. Alternative ways to access The Broadside Ballads Online resource are below, while we determine routes and funding to take the resource forward.

More on the background here: Bodleian Service Updates

Please contact with questions about the Bodleian broadside ballads collections.

Users seeking broadside ballads in Bodleian collections can access information in the following places:

A listing of each of the Bodleian collections of broadside ballads is available below. The broadside ballad items in these collections are listed in order by shelfmark, with title and first line.

Other Broadside Ballads Online resources:

  • An archived version of the Broadside Ballads Online site is available through the Internet Web Archive. Using the Collections tab on this site, users can browse through images of ballads in Bodleian collections.
  • A representation of the Broadside Ballads Online data as RDF can be downloaded from the Oxford University Research Archive.
  • The Visual Geometry Group also hosts a version of the ImageMatch tool for searching ballad illustrations.
  • The Visual Geometry Group also hosts a version of the ImageBrowse demo, an analytical tool for searching ballad illustrations.
  • The Vaughan Williams Memorial Library site hosts the Roud Index grouping ballads by folksong tradition.
  • The English Broadside Ballad Archive contains ballads from other collections.

Bodleian Ashmole Collection

CollectionOrder No.ShelfmarkManifestationPrinted TitleFirst Line
Bodleian Ashmole1Ashm. 1094(57)b08435The wine-cooper's delightThe delights of the bottle are turn'd out of doors"
Bodleian Ashmole1Ashm. 1674(76)b08437Londons lamentation: or, An excellent new song on the loss of London's charterYou free-men, and masters, and prentices mourn"
Bodleian Ashmole1Ashm. G 15(111)b08439A new-years guift to the Templers, on that eminent lawyer Sir Edmond Saunders, his being chosen Lord chief-justice of EnglandOld Tony's fled, from justice gone"
Bodleian Ashmole1Ashm. G 15(152)b08441The New-market songThe golden age is come"
Bodleian Ashmole1Ashm. G 15(156)b08443Freezland-fair, or The icey bear-gardenI'le tell ye a tale (tho' before 'twas in print)"
Bodleian Ashmole1Ashm. G 15(160)b08445The Whigs hard heart the cause of this hard frost. An excellent new balladYe Whigs and Dissenters, I charge you attend"
Bodleian Ashmole1Ashm. G 15(162)b08447A new song, on the strange and wonderful groaning boardWhat fate inspired thee with groans"
Bodleian Ashmole1Ashm. G 15(165)b08449Strange and wonderful news from Newberry: concerning a youth that was choak'd by eating of custardLet Totnam Court and Islington"
Bodleian Ashmole1Ashm. G 15(167)b08451The beggars delight, as it was sung at the Theatre-royalCourtiers, courtiers, think it no harm"
Bodleian Ashmole1Ashm. G 15(169)b08453The sisters complaint for the decay of the gallantsYe geudly sisters! have a care"
Bodleian Ashmole1Ashm. G 15(170)b08455Strephons complaint for the death of his Daphne. Or An excellent new copy of verses, sung at Winchester the 24th day of September, by a lady of honour, named E.GWhat art thou fled unto thy bed"
Bodleian Ashmole1Ashm. G 15(171)b08457Jenneys lamentation for the loss of Jocky or, A new song in the play called the RoyalistTwa bony lads were Sawny & Jockey"
Bodleian Ashmole1Ashm. G 15(172)b08459A songAs I walk'd by an hospital"
Bodleian Ashmole1Ashm. G 15(173)b08461The despairing lover. A new songHow long d'ye mean to torture mee"
Bodleian Ashmole1Ashm. G 15(175)b08463The miser, written by the author of The old man's wishWhat ayles the old fool?"
Bodleian Ashmole1Ashm. G 15(187)b08465A song upon the randivous on Hounsley heathOur comet or the blazing star"
Bodleian Ashmole1Ashm. G 15(48)b08467Murther unparalel'd: or an Account of the bloudy murther of Thomas Thyn, esq; on Sunday the 12th. of February 1682Come and assist my trembling pen"
Bodleian Ashmole1Ashm. G 15(64)b08469Great York and Albany: or The loyal welcom to his royal highness on his return from ScotlandNow now the zealots all must droop"
Bodleian Ashmole1Ashm. G 15(65)b08471London's joy and loyalty on his royal highness the duke of York's return out of ScotlandRouze up ye Tories"
Bodleian Ashmole1Ashm. G 15****(150a)b08473Merlin reviv'd: or, An old prophecy lately found in a manuscript in Pontefract-castle in York-shireWhen MDC shall joyn with L"
Bodleian Ashmole1Ashm. G 16(101)b08475A song of the new plotHave you not lately heard"
Bodleian Ashmole2Ashm. G 16(101)b08475A dialogue between Mrs. Celier and the L. S---yS---y, what's become of the plot"
Bodleian Ashmole1Ashm. G 16(103)b08478No Protestant plot, or The Whigs loyalty: with the doctor's new discoveryHells restless factious agents still plot on"
Bodleian Ashmole1Ashm. G 16(104)b08480A new way to play an old gameHave you heard of forty-one sir"
Bodleian Ashmole1Ashm. G 16(105)b08482Advice to the city or the Wiggs loyalty explain'dRemember ye wiggs what was formerly done"
Bodleian Ashmole1Ashm. G 16(109)b08484A congratulation on the happy discovery of the hellish fanatick plotCome now let's rejoyce"
Bodleian Ashmole1Ashm. G 16(111)b08486The swearers chorus to the first Presbyterian plotThere was a monstrous doctor"
Bodleian Ashmole1Ashm. G 16(137)b08486The swearers chorus to the first Presbyterian plotThere was a monstrous doctor"
Bodleian Ashmole1Ashm. G 16(118)b08488The downfal of the Whiggs: or Their lamentation for few of a loyal ParliamentDid'st ever see the like, dear brother"
Bodleian Ashmole1Ashm. G 16(120)b08490The western rebel; or, The true Protestant standard set upSee the vizor's pull'd off, and the zelots are arming"
Bodleian Ashmole1Ashm. G 16(121)b08492The old new true blew Protestant-plot or Five years sham- plots discovered in one true oneNow innocent blood's almost forgot"
Bodleian Ashmole1Ashm. G 16(124)b08494The Essex balladIn Essex much renown'd for calves"
Bodleian Ashmole1Ashm. G 16(125)b08496The Devonshire balladNow all old cavaliers now or ne'er stand to it"
Bodleian Ashmole1Ashm. G 16(128)b08498The Rump roughly, yet righteously handled. In a new balladMore sacks to the mill, here comes a fresh wit"
Bodleian Ashmole1Ashm. G 16(129)b08500A new-years gift for the WhigsGreat souls that are free from faction, rejoyce"
Bodleian Ashmole1Ashm. G 16(129b)b08502The ballad of the cloak: or, The cloaks knaveryCome buy my new ballet"
Bodleian Ashmole1Ashm. G 16(132)b08504The Wiltshire balladFrom Salisbury, that low-hous'd town"
Bodleian Ashmole1Ashm. G 16(133)b08506The present state of England: a pleasant new true balladJack Presbyter's up, and hopes at one swoop"
Bodleian Ashmole1Ashm. G 16(134)b08508A new ballad, to the tune of, I'll tell thee, Dick, &cChil tell thee, Tom, the strangest story"
Bodleian Ashmole1Ashm. G 16(135r)b08510The history of Whiggism, from their rise, to their late horrid and unparallel'd conspiracyYou Calvinists of England"
Bodleian Ashmole1Ashm. G 16(135v)b08512An excellent new song, on the late victories over the TurksHark! the thundring canons roar"
Bodleian Ashmole1Ashm. G 16(136r)b08514The Whigs drown'd in an honest Tory-healthWealth breeds care; love, hope & fear"
Bodleian Ashmole1Ashm. G 16(136v)b08516The Tory ballad on their royal highnesses return from ScotlandRoom, room for cavaliers, bring us more wine"
Bodleian Ashmole1Ashm. G 16(138)b08518A new narrative of the old plot. A songWhen traytors did at popery rail"
Bodleian Ashmole1Ashm. G 16(139)b08520The Whig-intelligencer: or Sir Samuel in the pound, for publishing scandalous and seditious lettersHark! the fatal day is come"
Bodleian Ashmole1Ashm. G 16(140)b08522The bully Whig: or, The poor whores lamentation for the apprehending of sir Thomas ArmstrongAh! cruel bloody Tom!"
Bodleian Ashmole1Ashm. G 16(141)b08524A new song, being the Tories imploration for protection against the WhiggsDefend us from all popish plots"
Bodleian Ashmole1Ashm. G 16(142)b08526The London cuckolds. An excellent new songGive over, you Whiggs"
Bodleian Ashmole1Ashm. G 16(143)b08528The loyalist setting forth the Whigg in his own colours. A new songCome, fill it up, and give me a brimmer boy"
Bodleian Ashmole1Ashm. G 16(144)b08530The loyal feast, design'd to be kept in Haberdashers-hall, on Friday the 21st of April 1682Tony was small, but of noble race"
Bodleian Ashmole1Ashm. G 16(149)b08532The Whigg-feast: a Scotch balladWoons! what noo is the matter?"
Bodleian Ashmole1Ashm. G 16(156)b08534The loyal Scot; an excellent new songBread of Geud! I think the nation's mad"
Bodleian Ashmole1Ashm. G 16(159)b08536A new ballad from Whigg-landBrave Monmouth's out of favour now"
Bodleian Ashmole1Ashm. G 16(160)b08538The Whig's exaltation; a pleasant new song of 82Now now the Tories all shall stoop"
Bodleian Ashmole1Ashm. G 16(161)b08540The Tories confession, or A merry song in answer to The Whigs exaltationA pox on Whigs we'l now grow wise"
Bodleian Ashmole1Ashm. G 16(162)b08542Ignoramus: an excellent new songSince reformation with Whig's in fashion"
Bodleian Ashmole1Ashm. G 16(165)b08544The loyal health. A court songSince plotting's a trade, like the rest of the nation"
Bodleian Ashmole1Ashm. G 16(167)b08546The reward of loyalty, being a song of the timesLoyalty's a noble thing"
Bodleian Ashmole1Ashm. G 16(168)b08548The loyal London prentice: being his constant resolution, to hazard his life and fortune for his kingI am a true born cavaleir [sic]"
Bodleian Ashmole1Ashm. G 16(170)b08550A trick for Tyburn: or A prison rantTrumpets sound and steeples ring"
Bodleian Ashmole1Ashm. G 16(173)b08552A new song in praise of the loyal Company of StationersIn London was such a quarter"
Bodleian Ashmole1Ashm. G 16(174)b08554A ballad [on George Villiers, duke of Buckingham, father and son]I sing the praise of a worthy wight"
Bodleian Ashmole1Ashm. G 16(176)b08556A new Scotch ballad: call'd Bothwel-bridge: or Hamilton's heroWhen valiant Bucklugh charg'd his foes"
Bodleian Ashmole1Ashm. G 16(183)b08558The true Protestants litanyMore ballads -- here: spick and span: -- new supplication"
Bodleian Ashmole1Ashm. G 16(189)b08560A new littany, design'd for this Lent, and to be sung in all the conventicles, in and about London, for the instruction of the WhiggsFrom counsels of six, where treason prevails"
Bodleian Ashmole1Ashm. G 16(195)b08562A general sale of rebellious houshold-stuffRebellion hath broken up house"
Bodleian Ashmole1Ashm. G 16(198)b08564A Whigg ballad, or A summons to a fresh associationOn month of September we summon you all"
Bodleian Ashmole1Ashm. G 16(200)b08566Loretto and Winifred. Or A new way of getting of children, viz. by prayers and presentsYe trickling papists, lady abbess and presents"
Bodleian Ashmole1Ashm. G 16(210)b08568Advice to the city: sung to the King at Windsor, to a theorboRemember ye Whiggs what was formerly done"
Bodleian Ashmole1Ashm. G 16(4)b08570Towzer discover'd: or A new ballade on an old dog that writes strange-leeHow unhappy a mastiffe am I"
Bodleian Ashmole1Ashm. G 16(40)b08572The sale of Esau's birth-right or The new Buckingham balladA wondrous tale I will relate"
Bodleian Ashmole1Ashm. G 16(41)b08574The new Catholick balladGood people all to me give ear"
Bodleian Ashmole1Ashm. G 16(43)b08576The Jesuits character. Written by a member of the Popish clubThe Jesuits they are a sort of men"
Bodleian Ashmole1Ashm. G 16(46)b08578A ballad upon the Popish plot. Written by a lady of qualitySince counterfeit plots has affected this age"
Bodleian Ashmole1Ashm. G 16(49)b08580The coat of arms of N.T. J.F. & R.L. An answer to Thomson's ballad call'd The loyal feastA true blue Protestant will never stain"
Bodleian Ashmole1Ashm. G 16(51)b08582Ryot upon ryot: or A chant upon the arresting of the loyal L. mayor & sheriffsRowze up great monarch"
Bodleian Ashmole1Ashm. G 16(54)b08584A looking-glass for a Tory; or the Bogg-trotter's gloryThe devil and we have done brave things"
Bodleian Ashmole1Ashm. G 16(56)b08586The Whig's exaltation or A pleasant new song of 82Now, now the Tories all shall stoop"
Bodleian Ashmole1Ashm. G 16(57)b08588The Tories confession or, A merry song in answer to The Whigs exaltationA pox on Whigs we'l now grow wise"
Bodleian Ashmole1Ashm. G 16(63)b08590The Salamanca doctor's farewel: or, Titus's exaltation to the pillory, upon his conviction of perjury. A balladCome listen, ye Whigs, to my pitiful moan"
Bodleian Ashmole1Ashm. G 16(66)b08592A song of the light of three nations turn'd into darkness or Otes made free man of Whitington's colledge, for perjuryCome all our caballers & Parliament votes"
Bodleian Ashmole1Ashm. G 16(67)b08594The doleful lamentation of Thomas Dangerfield, who was lately apprehended and imprisoned in Newgate, for his misdemeanerMark well my words you country men"
Bodleian Ashmole1Ashm. G 16(74)b08596A dialogue between Bowman the Tory, and Prance the runagado. A new songBowman. Come murthering miles, where's your Sedan?"
Bodleian Ashmole1Ashm. G 16(77)b08598A new song, being the Tories tryumph, or The point well weatheredSome say, the papists had a plot"
Bodleian Ashmole1Ashm. G 16(83)b08600The compleat citt: or, The man of fashionWould you be a man of fashion"
Bodleian Ashmole1Ashm. G 16(84)b08602The conspiracy: or, The discovery of the fanatick plotLet Pickering now be forgotten"
Bodleian Ashmole1Ashm. G 16(85)b08604A new narrative of the old plot, being a new balladWhen traytors did at pop'ry rail"
Bodleian Ashmole1Ashm. G 16(86)b08606An excellent new balladLet Oliver now be forgotten"
Bodleian Ashmole1Ashm. G 16(87)b08608An excellent new hymne to the mobile, exhorting them to loyalty the clean contrary wayLet us advance the good old cause"
Bodleian Ashmole1Ashm. G 16(89)b08610The lawyers demurrer argued. By the loyal addressers (the gentlemen) of Grays-Inne, against an order made by the bench of the said societyDear friends, and good people, with gowns and with none"
Bodleian Ashmole1Ashm. G 16(95)b08612The Newgate salutation: or A dialogue between sir W.W. and mrs. CellierOld stories of state grow now out of date"
Bodleian Ashmole1Ashm. G 16(98)b08614A new Presbiterian ballad to the old tune of The clean contrary wayAlas poor Whiggs, our senat's gone"
Bodleian Ashmole1Ashm. G 5(102)b08616Monmouth's return; or The mistaken WhiggsNow the rash imputing Torys"
Bodleian Ashmole1Ashm. G 5(44)b08618Titus Tell-troth: or, The plot-founder confounded. A pleasant new songHail to the knight of the post"
Bodleian Ashmole1Ashm. G 5(46)b08620Oates thrash'd in the compter, and sack'd-up in NewgateHail to the prince of the plot"
Bodleian Ashmole1Ashm. G 5(53)b08622Oates's bug-bug-boarding-school, at Camberwell. A songRouse, rouse my lazy mirmidons"
Bodleian Ashmole1Ashm. G 5(68)b08624Oates well thresh'tOur Oates, last week not worth a groat"
Bodleian Ashmole1Ashm. G 5(92)b08626Monmouth and Bucleugh's welcom from the North: or The loyal Protestants joy for his happy returnWhen stout young Jemmy went abroad"
Bodleian Ashmole1Ashm. H 23(24)b08628My bird is a Round-headAs I to London tooke my way"
Bodleian Ashmole1Ashm. H 23(42)b08630Canterburies conscience convicted: or His dangerous projects ... detectedAs by faire Londons Tower I walkt"
Bodleian Ashmole1Ashm. H 23(44)b08632The organs ecchoMemento mori"
Bodleian Ashmole1Ashm. H 23(46)b08634The papists downfall, or the Prentises revengeSome say we shall be overthrown"
Bodleian Ashmole1Ashm. H 23(47)b08636A warning to all priests and jesuites, by the example of two masse-priests which ... were hangdCome you seducers all"
Bodleian Ashmole1Ashm. H 23(54)b08638The prentices resolutionRouse up your drooping spirits all"
Bodleian Ashmole1Ashm. H 23(65)b08640Englands doubtfull hopes, or, Long lookt for may come at lastIf faith and truth were joyned hand in hand"
Bodleian Ashmole1Ashm. H 23(8)b08642Good admonition. Or Keep thy head on thy shoulders, and I will keepe mineThough Wenthworth's beheaded
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Date when website was withdrawn:
22 November 2024